
tirsdag den 30. marts 2010


På chatrlt den anden dag, havde jeg en virkelig lang samtale med en nice svensker. Jeg bildte ham ind at jeg var amerikaner, og udspurgte ham om hvor godt Danmark og Norge var i forhold til sverige, osv. (han sagde btw at danskere var lidt ligesom amerikanere, fede og drak meget :D) Han troede selvfølgelig på mig hele vejen igennem. Følelsen af at få nogen til at stole blindt på én, uden at det er alvorligt selvfølgelig, er noget jeg aldrig rigtig har prøvet før. det var spændende og gav en eller anden form for 'magt'. Senere fandt jeg den følgende konversation som en anden gut har lavet. Rimeligt underholdende. Og dog skræmmende. Skræmmende dygtigt faktisk. Det er helt uhyggeligt som nogle mennesker kan spille skuespil, også i hverdagen. nogle mennesker på min alder kan ved hjælp af skuespil spille helt andre personer end de er. DE kan lyve uden at reagere det mindste på det selv, og lukke det værste lort ud, og stadig holde masken. det misunder jeg. det kan jeg slet ikke. jeg kan aldrig tage mig selv seriøst når jeg prøver, jeg finder det for komisk, og desuden hader jeg tanken om at opbygge falsk tillid hos mine venner. vil de så kunne stole på mig igen når det gælder?
Anyways, det er et stærkt 'tool', og hvis jeg mestrede det ville jeg udnytte det rigtig godt :D

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Heya
Stranger: hi
You: Look, I need a favour.
You: You any good at thinking fast?
Stranger: yeah
You: Well then, I've got a biiig bottle of amphenadryl pills here, for my body weight 12 should be enough to cause the amino acids to break down and trigger cardiac arrest.
You: Death will be over in a matter of minutes, and the chance of an intervention is low.
You: Give me one good reason not to down the whole fucking bottle.
Stranger: i don't know
You: Come on man, you said you were quick.
Stranger: don't do it
You: I need reasons, hurry mate.
Stranger: You have so much to live for!!!
You: You don't know me, I have very little. Try again.
Stranger: if you do it people will miss you
You: Yeah, my dealer maybe. Haha!
Stranger: don't fucking do it
You: Look, you suck at this. I think we should finish up here.
Stranger: no
You: Whelp, there's one downed. Hey, let's turn this into a game! The pills take about 15 minutes to kick in anyway
Stranger: i am so sorry
You: Maybe I should insert them rectally...? It'd be quicker but the autopsy would be a bit embarassing! What do youy think?
You: Two downed.
Stranger: don't take any more
You: Haha, oh god I'm tremblinhng.
You: aaaaaand that's three! What's your name by the way?
Stranger: is there any one with you
You: Nope, they'd just try any stop me
Stranger: beni
You: That's a pretty name Beni, nice to meet you. I'm Maria.
Stranger: where are u from
You: I'm an English girl!
You: Fuck it, I'm going for rectal. Be right back.
Stranger: don't do it
Stranger: are you ok
You: You a drinker, Beni?
You: You know, like drink alcohol a lot?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

(teksten er ikke skrevet af mig :))

torsdag den 25. marts 2010

On the political account

Consider this

* 67 percent of Republicans (and 40 percent of Americans overall) believe that Obama is a socialist.

* 57 percent of Republicans (32 percent overall) believe that Obama is a Muslim

* 45 percent of Republicans (25 percent overall) agree with the Birthers in their belief that Obama was "not born in the United States and so is not eligible to be president"

* 38 percent of Republicans (20 percent overall) say that Obama is "doing many of the things that Hitler did"

* Scariest of all, 24 percent of Republicans (14 percent overall) say that Obama "may be the Antichrist."


tirsdag den 16. marts 2010

What is the human mind?

Placebo:A study was made in England in 1987 with patients visiting a clinic because they were suffering from a wide range of illnesses. The patients were randomly assigned to two groups. In the first group, the patients were given positive conditioning. They were confident in the diagnosis and positive in the prognosis. In the second group the doctor was unsure and pessimistic. The study showed that 64% of patients in the first group became better within two weeks, while only 39% of those in the second group were better for the same period.

The placebo effect begets hope while the nocebo effect begets hopelessness, fear and anxiety. A sense of negativity increases susceptibility to illness and reduces the healing ability of the body. Physicians have known this since ancient times. However, with the mind being relegated to non-existence, modern physicians tend to treat their patients as if they are robots.

How fucked up is our mind today?

mandag den 8. marts 2010


"The sea's only gifts are harsh blows, and occasionally the chance to feel strong. Now I don't know much about the sea, but I do know that that's the way it is here. And I also know how important it is in life not necessarily to be strong but to feel strong. To measure yourself at least once. To find yourself at least once in the most ancient of human conditions. Facing the blind death stone alone, with nothing to help you but your hands and your own head..."

- Christopher McCandless

onsdag den 3. marts 2010

Screw zeh' Society

Society man! SOCIETY.
I dag tørrede jeg røv i sudoku toiletpapir.. Det var mærkeligt.

Og i dag er der gået 2 måneder og 3 dage med mit boycott af Coca Cola d. 1/1. Det burde satme fejres. Så kan de satme stoppe med at dræne det grundvand. 8D HAH

Jeg glæder mig til imorgen, jeg tror jeg får mit videokamera der!
Så skal der fandme filmes, og redigeres. Håber jeg kan få taget mig sammen til det in general.

Listening to: PJ Harvey - Meet Ze Monsta