
onsdag den 26. maj 2010

Den Miserable Virkelighedsflugt

"En afhængighed kan antage mange former. Hvad enten det er en afhængighed af at vinde en auktion med det højeste bud på eBay, sniffe kokain eller spise chips, er afhængighed en sygdom med enorme sociale, psykiske og fysiske konsekvenser

Marisa Peer, som er ­psyko­terapeut i London, definerer afhængighed som en jagt på ‘alt, der bevæger hjernen væk fra en dårlig eller negativ følelse til en god’. Altså, det behøver ikke være alkohol og stoffer, det kan være alt, der påvirker hjernens nydelsescentre. At spille, rapse i butikker eller shoppe online er noget, mange mennesker er afhængige af."

(eng: Marisa Peer, who is a psychotherapist from London defines addiction as "A hunt of everything that moves your mind away from a bad or negative feeling to a good.")

What if life, and the reality became the negative feeling?

Then your addiction, would be a hunt of escaping it.


tirsdag den 18. maj 2010

They Are Trying To Kill Us

Women getting more beautiful, say scientists

Evolution has led to women, but not men, getting progressively beautiful, according to scientists. 

Researchers found that attractive women have more children than their less attractive counterparts and that a higher proportion of those children are female.

Once those daughters become adult they tend to be good looking themselves and so the pattern is repeated as women over the generations become steadily more aesthetically pleasing.

Beautiful women can be bad for your health, according to scientists

Researchers tested 84 male students by asking each one to sit in a room and solve a Sudoku puzzle. Two strangers, one male and one female, were also in the room.
When the female stranger left the room and the two men remained sitting together, the volunteer's stress levels did not rise. However, when the volunteer was left alone with the female stranger, his cortisol levels rose.
The researchers concluded: "In this study we considered that for most men the presence of an attractive woman may induce the perception that there is an opportunity for courtship.

Cortisol is produced by the body under physical or psychological stress and has been linked to heart disease.  Chronically elevated cortisol levels can worsen medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and impotency.

In some way i find this evolution sick.
In some way all us men are so perceivable... 

I guess it's just the new evolution ..
´´_ Nutz

English today, due to new reader - Letty! Thanks and welcome :)
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onsdag den 12. maj 2010


føler mig trådt på
kroniskt frustreret
til rotterne
 og behandlet som skidt
jeg længes
Men den personlige ambivalens ..-
jeg er truly fucked.

en kulde smyger sig op ad min krop .
Hvad er det egentlig jeg forestillede mig?
Jeg synes der var så meget. Hvor blev det hele af?

Jeg er perfekt ..
- udenfor migselv
jeg har det godt
men jeg er ikke glad
det hele blev som jeg ville
- jeg er ikke glad

selvtilliden er ekspanderende
og jeg er ikke glad
men hvorfor? jeg ikke glad?