
tirsdag den 22. september 2009


Når jeg hører en sang af Marilyn Manson kaldt Lamb Of God, kommer underligt nok til at tænke på de mennesker der hoppede ud fra WTC 9/11. Fordi sangen blev brugt til en film jeg så om det...

"Some held hands as they jumped. Others went alone"
Prøver at forestille mig hvordan det må have været... at stå i en bygning der er ved at kollapse, samtidig med at ilden har omringet dig... Og så skal du tage beslutningen om at brænde ihjel eller hoppe flere hundrede meter ned.

Men se lige hvor smart :D ftw.. de fleste sange gratis online.

Et specielt billede:

"The Falling Man" is a nickname given to a man who fell from the World Trade Center during the September 11 attacks in New York City, and is also the title of a photograph, magazine story and documentary film about the incident.

Possible identity

Because of the number of jumpers, identifying the man captured in the twelve photos was not an easy task. At least 200 people either jumped or fell to their deaths.

Five years after the attacks, Jonathan Briley, a 43-year-old employee of the Windows on the World restaurant, was identified by chef Michael Lomonaco as The Falling Man

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