
lørdag den 7. august 2010

People are like trees

Yo fellows! Latenight jazz, i've changed my circadian rhythm pretty much upside down. so it's early in the morning at the moment, and i'm enjoying some old music, which i'd almost forgotten. I'd like to share it with you.


Trentemøller - Take me into your skin

Sometimes it's really nice, and gives a completely other, more intense experience of the music, if you listen real closely,  instead of just letting it run in the background.
lean back
close your eyes
let the music seduce you


Du har en stamme.
en urokkelig selvtillid
Med hundredevis af meninger, holdninger og tankestrømme
spirende udad i alle retninger
hver gren avler mindre kviste, nye tanker og meninger
jo længere ud man kommer de tynde kviste
jo mere bøjer grenene sig i vinden, knækker måske endda
jo mere tilbøjelig er du i din omverden
til at blive påvirket

Is it the moments that creates the personalities?
Or the personalities that creates the moments?

edit: to karoline p: i just saw you asked the same question, but i guess better phrased:
"Do you ever wonder if we make the moments in our lives or if the moments in our life make us?"
I think it's worth thoughts :)

You have a core
a stable unchangeable self-confidence
With hundreds of opinions, emotions and feelings
growing, expanding in every direction
each branch breeds smaller twigs - new ideas and opinions
the farther out on the thin twigs
the more the branches will bend in the wind - they may even break
and the more likely you are in your surroundings
to be affected

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